Spring Cleaning Tea

$ 10.00 $ 21.00

Spring Cleaning Tea
    This bright and shiny blend of lemongrass for purification, orange for joy and beauty, apple for love, and a hint of protective lavender will put a spring in your step and is caffeine free. Clear the cobwebs in the corners of your mind year round. 

Tasting Notes: Soft, sweet lemon and a hint of lavender.

Blended With: Apple Pieces, Lemongrass, Rose Hips, Lavender, Orange, Blue Cornflowers And Natural Lemon Flavor

Suggested Brewing Time and Temperature: This fruity tea brews best at 212º for 5-10 minutes.

Presented in a 6 fl oz tin roughly 14-15 cups of tea. Presented in a 16 fl oz tin, roughly 40 cups of tea depending on preparation strength.  Remember, don't try to make your tea stronger by steeping it longer, it'll get a bitter taste.  Instead, increase the amount of tea you're using.  Don't worry, you can always re-steep the leaves.  The general rule is a heaping teaspoon for each teacup you’re brewing.  If you’re using a larger mug, increase the tea too. If your tea tastes burned, use a lower temperature water.



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